WWR – Corona Virus update
Message de Boris Margeta – Président de la WWR
« Dear members,
It’s difficult to find right words to write, in this terrible time. Probably first time in our lives, water polo is not in the first plan. And it’s correct. Our thoughts should be on our health, protecting our families our parents.. It’s not easy task to do. Watching every day people dying around us, fighting for their lives… And it’s not horror movie, it’s reality. Our prayers are with Italy, Spain, New York, Iran and all the world.
Therefore I wish you vigilance, strength, peace and love with your families. Stay strong and careful.
Therefore I wish you vigilance, strength, peace and love with your families. Stay strong and careful.
As many of us are at our homes, to divert your minds a little bit from this terrible virus, we are sending you some materials of water polo
First of all we have a new quiz about setting a line :
And then we have a online test, to train your knowledge of the rules :
Of which we also have a French version : http://wwpra.org/1042
We have time to read books, to play with our children, to say something nice to our parents, to say i love you to our partners and at the end to read the rules, manual, to get prepared for the season which will come. Feel free to contact us with your thoughts, make a video with few words to our members, share it on facebook, connect yourself with us, your friends, be creative.
Click the image to go directly to the Facebook post
or click the link below : https://www.facebook.com/
WWR is our family as well.
Once again, bless you all, keep safe and help those who needs help.
Yours faithfully
Yours faithfully
Boris Margeta
president WWR
president WWR
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